D18475: Add AsciiDoc support

Andreas Gratzer noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Jan 28 13:20:10 GMT 2019

andreasgr added a comment.

  In D18475#400238 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D18475#400238>, @nibags wrote:
  > Hi!!
  >  Please, also add a test file in: "autotests/input/". To generate the files in "folding", "html" and "reference" use `make test` and `autotests/update-reference-data.sh`.
  I tried to understand how the testing works, but I failed.
  `make test` complains about one test failed with latest master branch.
  It complains about more failed tests after I added the AsciiDoc files.
  I does not give hints about what's wrong, though.
  Is there a guide somewhere about how to support testing  of syntax highlighting?

  R216 Syntax Highlighting


To: andreasgr, #framework_syntax_highlighting
Cc: dhaumann, nibags, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, #framework_syntax_highlighting, bmortimer, hase, michaelh, genethomas, ngraham, bruns, demsking, cullmann, vkrause, sars
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