D17122: RFC: Use wl_display_add_socket_auto by default

Fabian Vogt noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Jan 18 10:21:38 GMT 2019

fvogt added a comment.

  In D17122#395762 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D17122#395762>, @romangg wrote:
  > In D17122#395745 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D17122#395745>, @fvogt wrote:
  > > > Hmm, maybe then add another setter setAutomaticSocketNaming instead to switch to automatic socket name query instead. When it's not called before start it would fall back to old behavior.
  > >
  > > That would need changes in KWin though so Plasma 5.16 only :-(
  > Yes, that's fine. Do you need it for something in 5.15?
  I've been using a patched kwayland locally for several months now already, so I'd need to continue doing that for a another couple months. That's all though.
  I'll do the change and remove the RFC.

  R127 KWayland


To: fvogt, #kwin, #plasma
Cc: romangg, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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