Power Management and Inhibition by Applications

Matthieu Gallien gallien.matthieu at gmail.com
Wed Jan 16 21:09:59 GMT 2019


I am trying to work on a feature request to add the ability to suppress laptop 
sleep when playing music.

Currently, Juk is doing it via dbus calls to "org.kde.Solid.PowerManagement".

I also had a look to Solid frameworks and the power classes that add an 
asynchronous way to do that.
Currently, the Solid framework only conditionally provides those features and 
it seems distributions (at least Debian) do not always build it.

I am also unsure about the current recommended solution that would work for 
most desktop environments.

What would be the best way forward ?

I can also see some other features that could make sense to provide in 
libraries that music players could use (lyrics fetching, album art fetching, 
...). This could be in a dedicated framework to help build media players.

Best regards

Matthieu Gallien

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