D18277: Add a new preferences-desktop-theme icon, rename the old one

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Jan 15 19:44:57 GMT 2019

ngraham added a comment.

  Just so you know, there are a lot of users for `preferences-desktop-theme`: https://lxr.kde.org/search?_filestring=&_string=preferences-desktop-theme
  It's always good to do a search like this before you change the meaning of existing icons--even ones that are named poorly like this one.
  I wonder if might be a better idea to leave the existing icon alone and create a new one rather than changing the meaning of `preferences-desktop-theme`.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: trickyricky26, #vdg
Cc: ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns
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