D17691: Add rows info to the plasma virtual desktop protocol

Eike Hein noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Jan 11 12:18:46 GMT 2019

hein added a comment.

  > The desktop cube shows everything flat, desktop grid is configurable (and hardcoded).
  The desktop grid effect uses the rows setting from the KCM for me.
  I don't think it's easy for users to understand that the KCM is configuring KWin only, instead of all of Plasma. Especially because the Pager can't escape KWin's spatial notions anyway: If you use the Pager to switch desktops, by default KWin does a slide animation that's directional based on the rows setting. If the Pager's layout differs from KWin's, the animation played won't fit what's visible on the Pager. Considering the Pager is all about providing a spatial overview into the system, this seems weird.
  Plus this protocol is meant to be a private one for use between KWin and plasmashell. I think it's OK for them to integrate tightly, it's not the same as exposing layout information to regular clients. I'd argue the entire PlasmaWindowManagement protocol already does so after all.

  R127 KWayland


To: mart, #plasma, #kwin
Cc: davidedmundson, hein, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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