D16421: Improve emblem contrast, legibility and consistency

Safa Alfulaij noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Jan 6 10:18:41 GMT 2019

safaalfulaij added a comment.

  mmm, sorry. I saw this today and I just took a minute to understand it. How does this looks consistent with the theme, or even nice (really sorry)? Please teach me.
  Thank you.
  F6529631: Screenshot_٢٠١٩٠١٠٦_١٣١٠٠٤.png <https://phabricator.kde.org/F6529631>

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ndavis, #vdg, ngraham
Cc: safaalfulaij, bruns, ngraham, bcooksley, kde-frameworks-devel, #vdg, michaelh
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