D17128: WIP DocumentPrivate: Remove all from next line which may annoying when joining lines

loh tar noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Jan 1 18:22:36 GMT 2019

loh.tar added a comment.

  It's almost untested, will try to use it on daily basis.
  After think a little about it, I came to this variant. Code lines are unlikely to "join", so why test for comments?
  A little off topic: Would it OK to modify the wrap stuff that it behaves differently? There are some bug reports and comments which often says, "nope".
  I have in mind that without a selection only the current line is wrapped and not the whole document.


To: loh.tar, #ktexteditor, cullmann
Cc: dhaumann, cullmann, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, #ktexteditor, hase, michaelh, ngraham, bruns, demsking, head7, kfunk, sars
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