kconf_update lost its update.log in 2014

Harald Sitter sitter at kde.org
Thu Feb 28 11:43:07 GMT 2019

...and I don't understand why


this commit [1] wrapped KonfUpdate::log's update.log stream in `#if 0`
and thus disabling the update.log writing, replacing it with logging
to stderr instead. Why it does that eludes me though. It seems
entirely unrelated to the rest of the commit.

Should the update.log writing happen? I expect this won't be super
reliable because I think these days the application itself forks
kconf_update. If so, we should just drop the if block and update
documentation accordingly I guess (e.g. see [2])

[1] https://cgit.kde.org/kconfig.git/commit/?id=94419b6f0cd469dc7cb0184a6fb48c1fe304c4d8
[2] https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=404904

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