D19338: New location for KNSRC files

Dan Leinir Turthra Jensen noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Feb 27 09:46:46 GMT 2019

leinir added a comment.

  In D19338#420303 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D19338#420303>, @apol wrote:
  > +1 cool stuff!
  > this opens the possibility for files being both in /usr and /etc, can you make sure hell doesn't break loose when that happens?
  > Was these files look up was delegated entirely to KConfig?
  It does indeed. Going to have to do a bit of checking first, then. Yes, it was previously entirely delegated to KConfig. It already checks to see if the config file exists, which would mean the path which looks up the config in /etc/xdg will only be hit if the config location is relative, the fallback is enabled, and there is no config of that name discovered in /usr/share/knsrcfiles :)

  R304 KNewStuff


To: leinir, #knewstuff, apol, ngraham, fvogt
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, #knewstuff, michaelh, ZrenBot, ngraham, bruns
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