D18883: Add PDF thumbnailer

Pino Toscano noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Feb 9 23:02:46 GMT 2019

pino added a comment.

  In D18883#408893 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D18883#408893>, @ngraham wrote:
  > Conceptually I think it makes sense to have all the thumbnailers in their own package so it's easy to remove them all if for people who really don't want them.
  ... resulting in a single package with lots of dependencies. Or the distributions will split the package (how?), getting compliants from upstream (yay?).

  R320 KIO Extras


To: broulik, dfaure, aacid, jtamate
Cc: ngraham, pino, ltoscano, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, alexde, feverfew, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, firef, andrebarros, bruns, emmanuelp, mikesomov
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