D18675: Use different "None" item icon in grid view KCMs

Andres Betts noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Feb 2 20:21:03 GMT 2019

abetts added a comment.

  In D18675#404090 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D18675#404090>, @ngraham wrote:
  > Hmm, I like the use of an X here, but I'm not sure the red color is appropriate. Nothing is being removed, deleted, or destroyed.
  I agree with you here. It may seem that you are selecting something different. What about a stop sign and behind it a representation of the splash screen. So as to signal that you are not wanting a splash screen. The concept is great though! Many people care little for the splash screen and prefer to see the booting output.

  R296 KDeclarative


To: GB_2, #plasma, #vdg
Cc: abetts, ngraham, #vdg, kde-frameworks-devel, #plasma, michaelh, bruns
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