D18652: Improve weather-storm-* icons

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Feb 1 21:10:27 GMT 2019

kossebau added a comment.

  > This patch corrects that by removing the background cloud
  Thanks for the proposal. Hm, removal of the second cloud not what I would have expected to be done, was actually fine with it. Not sure.
  >   slightly resizing and repositioning the sun and moon.
  The current icons with sun/moon & cloud have the same size & position of the sun/moon. Changing that just for these 2 icons makes the icon set a bit more inconsistent, so if asked I would like that change to be done for all or not.  Actually I am already a bit unhappy about the cloudless icons having a bigger sun/moon, that looks strange e.g. in the forecast to me.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: ngraham, #vdg, kossebau
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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