D25877: [KColorschemeManager] Add option to reenable following global theme

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Dec 12 15:34:23 GMT 2019

ngraham added a comment.

  Then maybe we could even do it like so:
  Instead of having a separate "use system default" option, we could make the color scheme that has the same name as the default into the "use system default option, and present it thusly in the menu:
    ( ) Arc
    ( ) Arc Dark
    (o) Breeze (System default)
    ( ) Breeze Dark

  R265 KConfigWidgets


To: davidre, #frameworks
Cc: ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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