D25699: [PC3 ToolButton] Have the label take into account complementary color schemes

David Edmundson noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Dec 11 09:45:04 GMT 2019

davidedmundson accepted this revision.
davidedmundson added a comment.

  Please don't link external sites (GitHub) in the committed message.
  RE: Menu
  There is nothing in QQC2::Button to add a menu
  If we want that it would have to be a custom button subclass, rather than something we support in the style.

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)

  ok-text-colo (branched from master)


To: filipf, #plasma, ngraham, davidedmundson
Cc: mart, davidedmundson, fvogt, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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