D25822: Add manual test for changing colorscope in components

Filip Fila noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Dec 9 19:49:25 GMT 2019

filipf added a comment.

  Thanks! It will be easier to test now.
  I noticed some issues with certain tests, although most seem to have already existed:
  - busyindicator3.qml -> loads, but complains about a binding loop detected for `implicitHeight`
  - button3.qml -> doesn't load, says `Label` is not a type
  - checkbox3.qml -> doesn't load, says `Label `is not a type
  - **combobox.qml -> doesn't load, says it cannot assign object to list property `children` **
  - **progressbar.qml -> loads but complains that `root` is not defined **
  - **progressbar3.qml -> loads but complains that `barSvg` is not defined**
  - **radiobutton.qml -> doesn't load, say it expects token `,` at line 9**
  - radiobutton3.qml -> doesn't load, says `Label` is not a type
  The ones in bold seem to be related to this patch, but I can fix all of this in a separate patch after this one.


> radiobutton.qml:8
> +ComponentBase {
>  {
>      Grid {

Two curly braces.

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: davidedmundson, filipf
Cc: ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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