D21721: Bring KNewStuffQuick to feature parity with KNewStuff(Widgets)

Arjen Hiemstra noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Aug 29 14:47:46 BST 2019

ahiemstra added inline comments.


> leinir wrote in atticaprovider.cpp:355
> That'd be good, except the rest of the KNewStuff API is all QList based. It'll want doing for KF6, but since QList is being deprecated for that anyway, i'm thinking we'll end up with a general QList->QVector porting effort for that time anyway, and right now it'd just be introducing a different API style for seemingly no reason... Otherwise yes :)

Fair enough. I do try to make sure to use vectors as much as possible in new API, but consistency is also a good argument. :)

> leinir wrote in Dialog.qml:76
> Because a changedEntries property would logically be for the lifetime of the component instance, where dialogFinished is for this specific time the dialog was opened... The property would reasonably also be useful, but it would be semantically different (unless it's documented as being cleared when the dialog is shown, and then filled with whatever's changed once the dialog has been closed... which we could do, but kind of feels uglier than this signal)

It would match with the FileDialog API (https://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-dialogs-filedialog.html#fileUrls-prop) however, which also has this behaviour. My main problem with signal parameters is that you cannot bind to them, so using the result gets trickier.

  R304 KNewStuff


To: leinir, #knewstuff, #vdg, #frameworks, ahiemstra
Cc: ahiemstra, anthonyfieroni, pino, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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