D23336: KDirOperator: Add follow new directories option

Daan De Meyer noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Aug 24 10:37:55 BST 2019

daandemeyer added a comment.

  The use case is showing a project tree view in an application where we want the root of the KDirOperator to stay fixed. The initial motivation for this change was replicating the File Explorer from Visual Studio Code (text editor) where one opens a folder and the file explorer stays fixed at that specific folder until another folder is opened. KDirOperator almost fit this use case except when creating new directories or selecting existing directories, that directory would be made the top level directory in the KDirOperator. When the new option is enabled, the top level directory stays the same when selecting directories or creating new directories which makes KDirOperator behave more like the File Explorer in Visual Studio Code.
  Of course, this functionality can be generally used by applications that want to provide a fixed project view (or workspace) in their UI.


To: daandemeyer, #frameworks, dfaure, cfeck, pino
Cc: dhaumann, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, LeGast00n, GB_2, michaelh, bruns
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