D20166: Keep desktoptheme SVG files uncompressed in repo, install (stripped) svgz

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Apr 1 15:52:20 BST 2019

kossebau added a comment.

  While the main purpose of this patch is to have SVG files in the repo, the processing to optimize runtime load is an interesting side-effect.
  If you are curious about some numbers, here the install size estimated with `du -chb` for the respective subfolders `desktoptheme/$theme`, with `strip` meaning the flags to svgcleaner as in the current patch:
  |          | breeze    | air       | oxygen    |
  | old:     | 1.236.245 | 1.762.968 | 864.292   |
  | strip+z: | 1.105.389 | 1.605.054 | 739.340   |
  | z:       | 1.231.078 | 1.762.734 | 875.083   |
  | strip:   | 2.250.847 | 4.071.777 | 3.164.541 |
  | svg 1:1: | 3.130.982 | 5.624.588 | 4.777.657 |
  So with Oxygen there is a small increase when using gzip only, compared to before. Seems for some files inkscape or what stored those files before was more efficient compared to `gzip -9`.
  IMHO the increase of 10791 is not that awful, after all in the long term we surely want to recommend the usage of the stripped variant. And for Breeze, after all the default, the plain gzip variant already gains 5167, so even without stripping the install size is in total not that much affected.

  R242 Plasma Framework (Library)


To: kossebau, #plasma, #vdg
Cc: fvogt, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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