D13315: Detect mime type of local files based on their contents

David Faure noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Sep 19 08:20:30 BST 2018

dfaure added a comment.

  I agree, extensions are not reliable over HTTP, which is why mimeTypeForUrl doesn't use them for HTTP urls.
  But here we're in KFileItem, so much more likely talking about local files or FTP/SFTP/FISH/SMB/etc. where the *.php issue doesn't happen.
  > The case of MSWord vs. Excel is easy: Libreoffice can open both.
  But not e.g. calligra.
  And it's just an example, there are a LOT more. Many mimetypes just don't have any magic at all, which would mean, with this patch, that they would never get detected.

  R241 KIO


To: miklosm, #frameworks, dfaure, broulik
Cc: broulik, ngraham, apol, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns
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