D16299: RFC fallback to dnssd service discovery if smb listDir failed on root

Harald Sitter noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Oct 19 15:14:13 BST 2018

sitter added a comment.

  It's available as an API, but it is not used to publish **shares** it seems. In fact, if I am reading Microsoft's arcticle <https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4034314/smbv1-is-not-installed-by-default-in-windows> on smb1 correctly then ws-discovery is also not enabled by default. Finding other shares in the network seems simply not supported out of the box. I've gotten a device which has an up to date windows 10, albeit installed before the 2017 Fall update, so it has smb1 still enabled. As expected the discovery service also mentioned in the article isn't started by default. Starting it gives me some ws-discovery chatter on the network.
  I've also tried to get gsoap to work but I feel somewhat defeated. It's sending out a probe event but gets nothing back, getting it to even build properly is also fairly mental because it expects symbols to be visible. It all feels fairly terrible. While I eventually got some Probe events multicasted, the windows machine then proceeded to not reply to those and instead kept spouting Resolve requests which AFAIK don't need handling by clients at all. I'm probably gonna download a development VM to stand a better chance at debugging this, but overall ws-discovery supports seems incredibly unreasonable to add at this time.
  I've also tried kdsoap and have it auto generate a proxy class from the ws-discovery wsdl, but somehow the generator didn't like the fact that the wsdl didn't define any bindings and decided to qAbort instead of generating anything...
  So, all in all a big fat waste of time. Assuming Windows 10 indeed doesn't have ws-discovery enabled by default I really really think everyone would be better off if we got Microsoft to either add a DNSSD discovery service OR we could just do something like that ourselves that the user can download. In the end the user would have to manually do something if they want to discover Windows 10 hosts it seems.

  R320 KIO Extras


To: sitter, #frameworks, #dolphin
Cc: ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, feverfew, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, firef, andrebarros, bruns, emmanuelp
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