D15939: Perform checks for unindexed files and stale index entries on startup

Igor Poboiko noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Oct 8 23:33:21 BST 2018

poboiko added a comment.

  > Hah, looks like you pushed a commit for it last year!
  > I'm not wedded to symlink support, but if we're not going to do it, we should close the bug with some good reasons.
  Well, I remembered that I did something on that, but I totally forgot what exactly. That's how I've found this bug - lurking through commit log :)
  > Adding to all the points you already mentioned, I am also against following symlinks:
  > - if a symlink points inside a hierarchy already included, there is nothing gained
  > - if a symlink points outside, it can be included explicitly using includeFolders
  >   Prior to any implementation attempt I would like to see a specific use case for following symlinks, which is not already covered.
  So, it seems like it is not just about whether we should follow symlinks when indexing or not. There are apparently also some troubles with "Search From Here" in Dolphin...
  I agree - I think we should start with looking what are the possible use cases for symlinks, and which of them work (or not). If the situation can be improved cheaply (i.e. without changing DB schema :), then it would be nice

  R293 Baloo


To: poboiko, #baloo, #frameworks, vhanda, ngraham
Cc: bruns, ngraham, kde-frameworks-devel, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, astippich, spoorun, abrahams
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