D15277: [RFC] kio_mtp: Move MTP device handling from kioslave to kiod-module
David Faure
noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Oct 4 12:45:53 BST 2018
dfaure accepted this revision.
dfaure added a comment.
Great stuff. Only found some typos and very minor things, feel free to fix and push.
> mtpdevice.cpp:119
> +{
> + QList<QDBusObjectPath> list;
> + for (const MTPStorage *storage : m_storages) {
Technically this is missing a
but I guess these lists are pretty small in practice...
> mtpstorage.cpp:31
> + */
> +uint16_t onDataPut(void *, void *priv, uint32_t sendlen, unsigned char *data, uint32_t *putlen)
> +{
Prepend "static" to all these class-level functions (so they don't get exported, and so that the compiler knows they are only usable in this file, which can lead to more optimizations like inlining).
> kmtpdeviceinterface.cpp:35
> + const auto storageNames = m_dbusInterface->listStorages().value();
> + for (const QDBusObjectPath &storageName : storageNames) {
> + m_storages.append(new KMTPStorageInterface(storageName.path(), this));
> kmtpstorageinterface.cpp:33
> + this);
> + m_dbusInterface->setTimeout(5 * 60 * 1000); // TODO: listening folders with a huge amount of files may take a while
> +
s/listening/listing/ ?
> org.kde.kmtp.daemon.xml:40
> +
> + <!-- listDevices: The currently discovered and connected devices in the deamon.
> + @devices: A list of the currently accessible devices represented as an array of D-Bus object paths.
R320 KIO Extras
To: akrutzler, elvisangelaccio, ltoscano, hetzenecker, dfaure, mlaurent
Cc: mlaurent, kde-frameworks-devel, kfm-devel, feverfew, michaelh, spoorun, navarromorales, firef, ngraham, andrebarros, bruns, emmanuelp
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