D17013: Show menu bar, how to re-enable, common shortcut dialog

loh tar noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Tue Nov 27 17:40:10 GMT 2018

loh.tar added a comment.

  Hi, I accidentally went by.
  How about to add an icon to some (main) toolbar, if any is present? 
  That would the need to show such a message reduce to cases where no tool bar is available. If that icon was added, and not already there, could that pop up a small tool tip to get some attention.
  A quick search here in my browser give no hit for "isVisible". There should be no need to show such message when the action is somewhere seen.
  Sorry for the noise, if I should completely wrong :-)

  R236 KWidgetsAddons


To: lsartorelli, ngraham, #frameworks, #kde_applications
Cc: loh.tar, aacid, cfeck, broulik, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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