T10112: KDEInstallDirs on Mac

René J.V. Bertin noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Nov 25 11:42:04 GMT 2018

rjvbb added a comment.

  You will notice that I plan to maintain an option to disable the Apple-specific behaviour for anyone who depends on the current behaviour (that includes me, but your script would also continue to work). Cf. the `APPLE_FORCE_X11` option
  A priori /Library/Application Support is admin-writable and I cannot really conceive that anyone using (managing) a MacPorts, Fink or HomeBrew installtion would NOT have an admin account. But then I've been tweaking permissions since 10.2 and have only some outdated experience with Fink besides my intimate knowledge of MacPorts (and those both require root permissions to install packages).


To: rjvbb
Cc: yurikoles, kde-mac, #kde_applications, #frameworks, #build_system
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