D16249: Warn user before copy/move job if the file size exceeds the maximum possible file size in FAT32 filesystem(4 GB)

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Nov 24 20:43:33 GMT 2018

ngraham added a comment.

  Sorry for the extended review time; I've found myself super busy with family stuff during this vacation. :)
  Please address Elvis' inline comment and then this will look good to me.


> global.h:249
> +    ERR_CANNOT_CREATE_SLAVE = KJob::UserDefinedError + 73, ///< used by Slave::createSlave, @since 5.30
> +    ERR_FILE_TOO_LARGE_FOR_FAT32 = KJob::UserDefinedError + 74 ///< @since 5.52
>  };

You still need to change `@since 5.52` to `@since 5.53`

  R241 KIO


To: shubham, ngraham, #frameworks, bruns, dfaure
Cc: elvisangelaccio, dfaure, cfeck, bruns, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham
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