D17070: Don't double-count size of directories in DirectorySizeJob

Adriaan de Groot noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Thu Nov 22 15:14:00 GMT 2018

adridg added a comment.

  With UFS, stat(1) tells me
    [adridg at beastie .../kio/build]$ stat .
    2080587972 222556 drwxr-xr-x 9 adridg adridg 4294967295 17 "Nov 22 14:40:28 2018" "Nov 22 14:42:22 2018" "Nov 22 14:42:22 2018" "Nov 22 14:39:51 2018" 131072 17 0x800 .
  So that's a size of 17 -- on UFS that looks like the count of the files in the directory (I added a file and then size is 18).
  Without this patch: jobtest has 71 tests, all pass.
  With this patch: jobtest has 71 tests, 1 fails.
    QDEBUG : JobTest::directorySize() totalSize:  50
    QDEBUG : JobTest::directorySize() totalFiles:  7
    QDEBUG : JobTest::directorySize() totalSubdirs:  4
    FAIL!  : JobTest::directorySize() 'job->totalSize() >= 60' returned FALSE. (totalSize was 50)
       Loc: [/home/adridg/src/kde/tier-3/kio/autotests/jobtest.cpp(1099)]
  With this patch, and D17071 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D17071> as well, the failure is the same: 71 tests, 1 fails, same case and failure message.
  (Note that I ran the test against Frameworks 5.51, since I don't have 5.52 installed yet)

  R241 KIO


To: davidedmundson, dfaure
Cc: adridg, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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