firewall-applet icons break breeze auto tests

Noah Davis noahadvs at
Mon Nov 19 19:02:37 GMT 2018

On Monday, November 19, 2018 6:53:28 AM EST Harald Sitter wrote:
> I am CCing Andreas Kainz on this as he may have input on where the
> firewall-* icons should go.
> From a quick look though I am convinced the majority/all of these
> icons should be in status/ not apps/. They are used in the system tray
> from what I understand, not actual application icons. apps/ is
> basically only for icons that would show up in the applications menu.
> (the scalable test that is failing also does not apply to status/, so
> by moving the icons to the correct directory you'd fix the test)
> HS

I put the icons into apps/ because the applet's hicolor icons are also placed 
into apps, but you may be right that status/ would be a better location. I did 
not know that apps/ was for icons that show up in the application menu, but 
that makes sense.
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