D16815: Rename Sublime Text icon to ensure it works

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sun Nov 11 00:35:24 GMT 2018

ngraham requested changes to this revision.
ngraham added a comment.

  I know this is a bugfix, but...
  IMHO it's really bad form to design a Breeze version of an app icon that has a totally different visual style from the original--especially if it completely eliminates all the branding elements from the original. This icon should be a Breezey version of the original icon, not something totally different that erases the Sublime Text brand. This is obviously not your fault, but I'd like to see the icon improved before we fix this bug, or else IMHO it will actually be a visual regression for Sublime Text users.
  Really, the original mostly looks fine. A Breeze version should just harmonize the size with other square icons, reduce or eliminate the rounded corners, and maybe make some other very subtle changes. If we want to keep the parts of the current icon that depict a tabbed view, we could replace the lines of text with the orange S logo, or overlay it on top of them or something. I'm not sure if the tabbed view iconography is even necessary though.
  All of this could be done in the same patch if you have icon design skills and want to tackle that, or in a separate one if not.
  Oh, and thanks for the patch, and thanks for using `arc` to submit it! :)

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: trickyricky26, #vdg, ndavis, ngraham
Cc: ngraham, ndavis, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns
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