D16677: Add BrightScript syntax

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Fri Nov 9 21:46:43 GMT 2018

ngraham added a comment.

  In D16677#356620 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D16677#356620>, @dhaumann wrote:
  > Unless you have a KDE commit account you can not commit yourself. Unfortunately we cannot see on Phabricator whether you have one or not.
  BTW, you can check to see whether someone has a contributor account by trying to find their username on https://websvn.kde.org/trunk/kde-common/accounts?view=markup

  R216 Syntax Highlighting


To: dlevin, #framework_syntax_highlighting, cullmann
Cc: ngraham, dhaumann, cullmann, kwrite-devel, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, bruns, demsking, sars
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