D17419: Add view-private icon

Björn Feber noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Dec 8 21:16:56 GMT 2018

GB_2 added a comment.

  In D17419#373590 <https://phabricator.kde.org/D17419#373590>, @ngraham wrote:
  > If view-private-symbolic is just a symlink to the regular icon, do we really need it?
  It's for compatibility, because other icons in Breeze and also other icon themes do it.

  R266 Breeze Icons


To: GB_2, #breeze, #vdg, #falkon, ngraham, ndavis
Cc: ndavis, filipf, ngraham, #vdg, kde-frameworks-devel, #breeze, alexde, IohannesPetros, trickyricky26, michaelh, crozbo, firef, bruns, skadinna, aaronhoneycutt, mbohlender
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