D17317: match and tc setting

Jan Grulich noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Dec 3 14:58:23 GMT 2018

jgrulich added a comment.

  And you submitted only changes on top of your changes.


> tcsettingtest.cpp:92
> +                    // Here the maps should have same keys so compare QVariantMaps as we do now
> +                    QCOMPARE(listMap, listMap1);
> +                    ++comparedMaps;

I liked your original solution better, I mean the way you compared if you are going to compare correct maps. Anyway, this still doesn't compare the maps properly, you have to go value by value.


To: pranavgade, jgrulich
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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