D17199: Add unittest to check if commiting the same change twice works

Nathaniel Graham noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Dec 1 15:03:05 GMT 2018

ngraham added a comment.

  Patch does not apply for me on top of current master:
        Ignore these untracked files and continue? [y/N] y
     INFO  Base commit is not in local repository; trying to fetch.
    Created and checked out branch arcpatch-D17199.
        This diff is against commit 260e35e79a80eaf0003c5053f1c1ee9fe965b6bc, but
        the commit is nowhere in the working copy. Try to apply it against the
        current working copy state? (1ee2ccc824be8e8c223c7364d0d9e8f7eb2d1874)
        [Y/n] y
    Checking patch autotests/integration/writetransactiontest.cpp...
    error: while searching for:
    #include "writetransactiontest.moc"
    error: patch failed: autotests/integration/writetransactiontest.cpp:395
    Applying patch autotests/integration/writetransactiontest.cpp with 1 reject...
    Hunk #1 applied cleanly.
    Rejected hunk #2.
     Patch Failed! 
    Usage Exception: Unable to apply patch!
  Is there some unmarked dependency?

  R293 Baloo


To: bruns, #baloo, #frameworks, ngraham, poboiko
Cc: kde-frameworks-devel, ashaposhnikov, michaelh, astippich, spoorun, ngraham, bruns, abrahams
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