D14504: Save few string allocations

Pino Toscano noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Aug 1 07:44:45 BST 2018

pino added a comment.

  TBH I had the idea of making `splitLocale()` public, since it was a public API in `KLocale`. I still see a couple of users of it, and in the past I remember people working around the lack of `splitLocale()` by doing the same job on their own, when porting away from kdelibs4support.
  With that in mind, IMHO using `QStringRef` for a public API still seems odd to me, especially that if you really care about any part split, then most probably you will pass to other APIs that use `QString` (sort of nullifying the gain from using `QStringRef`).
  I saw too many cases in kdelibs 4.x applications using patterns like:
    QString language, dummy;
    KLocale::splitLocale(locale, language, dummy, dumy, dummy);
  Because of that, a better API would be to pass `QString*` for the split parts, so you can decide what actually you want as results -- e.g.:
    QString language;
    KLocalizedString::splitLocale(locale, &language, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);

  R249 KI18n


To: apol, #frameworks, ilic
Cc: pino, kde-frameworks-devel, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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