D12206: Don't show "Open With" for folders, as was apparently originally intended

Chris Holland noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Sat Apr 14 20:21:48 UTC 2018

Zren added a comment.

  - Open with "Sublime Text" / "Atom"
  - Open with "K4DirStat"
  - Open with "Clementine"
  Comix, Gwenview, VLC, $MediaPlayer will usually "autoplay" the next file in a folder, so this won't really affect those apps.
  Do we really need these apps to define a context menu "Action"?  "Right click > Actions > Open with Sublime Text" seems weird.
  You also lose the ability for a user to open with any application that supports it, rather than just the apps that define it in their `share/applications/app.metadata`.
  - Oddly, XFCE's Thunar doesn't show an "Open with" menu.
  - Does Gnome's Nautilus not show it either?
  - Does Window's File Explorer not show it?
  - Does OS X's file manager not show it?

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #frameworks, rkflx
Cc: Zren, michaelh, ngraham, bruns
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