D11838: Turn on line numbers by default

Dominik Haumann noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Apr 2 20:19:36 UTC 2018

dhaumann added a comment.

  As background: in KF5 world, the KTextEditor settings are shared among applications: enabling line numbers in Kate will enable line numbers in KDevelop, Kile, KWrite, ...
  Currently, there is no way to show line numbers except in Kile.
  I can understand that line numbers may indeed not be to useful. We have two paths forward here:
  1. Reject the patch.
  2. Accept the patch and Kile should try it out.
  Given we do not have evidence that line numbers on by default reflect any increase in usability, I would go for 1. for now.
  Except if there are better solutions.
  Personally, I dislike the idea of passing options in createView for a very simple reason: we have document variables, .kateconfig files, settings on the UI, the command line, the ConfigInterface. Adding yet another way to configure KTextEditor sounds like a bad idea.
  If at all, the only clear way is to let an application decide to not share settings with other KTextEditor applications. E.g. KTextEditor::Editor::setUseSharedConfig(bool share).

  R39 KTextEditor


To: ngraham, #kate, #ktexteditor, dhaumann, mludwig
Cc: acrouthamel, brauch, mludwig, kfunk, dhaumann, #frameworks, michaelh, kevinapavew, ngraham, demsking, cullmann, sars
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