D9012: Revert "Detach before setting the d pointer"

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Mon Nov 27 18:45:21 UTC 2017

kossebau added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D9012#172387, @leinir wrote:
  > Quicker is better here, i think... Perhaps it is worth adding the documentation we discussed as well in this review? Thinking about making it easier to track the history and whatnot of what happened and why...
  Myself I have no time left to invest into this. And would be happy to see at least the regression finally fixed, before slipping in yet another release in some days. Remember, this breaks core functionality of knewstuff across multiple applications (everywhere at least where files are uncompressed after the download). Rendering KNewStuff completely useless in those apps, and also making the apps themselves look bad and broken.
  I would propose to have those improve the API documentation who introduced the regression. As they know best why they missed the bit about things being explicitly-shared by design.
  Actually I am already a bit annoyed that I have to push for fixing a regression I did not introduce myself.

  R304 KNewStuff


To: kossebau, whiting, leinir, apol
Cc: #frameworks
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