Qt 5.10 CI Builds

Ben Cooksley bcooksley at kde.org
Sun Nov 19 09:53:29 UTC 2017

On Sun, Nov 19, 2017 at 10:10 PM, Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have now completed the setup work for the Qt 5.10 based CI builds.
> These are provided using OpenSUSE Tumbleweed as the underlying
> distribution, and use the Qt 5.10 packages currently provided by their
> KDE team.
> As you may have seen from the emails sent by the CI system though,
> several modules are not happy at all. Based on the error messages i'm
> inclined to suspect these are CMake regressions, not issues with Qt
> 5.10.
> I'm currently waiting on the build of an image using Qt 5.7 which will
> confirm/deny this as being the case.
> For those wondering, we've got CMake 3.9.5.

As an update, the Qt 5.7 Dependency Build has now flown through all of
the components which failed with the Qt 5.10 build.
I can confirm they're using the exact same CMake package, which means
the fault for all of those failures lays with Qt.

If someone wants to reproduce the CI environment locally you can pull
down the Docker images from https://hub.docker.com/u/kdeorg/

> Should this in fact be a CMake regression i'll be disabling the whole
> CI system, as the maintenance work i've been performing this evening
> has necessitated rebuilds of the principal production SUSE Qt 5.9
> based image as well (which supports Applications, Plasma and
> Extragear)

We won't be needing this fortunately :)

> Cheers,
> Ben


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