Android bulding guide
Fernando Theirs
fntheirs at
Thu May 4 15:19:57 UTC 2017
Hi everyone!
I'm working with Qt and I have to port a Linux application to Android.
Basically I need to manage some compressed files (targz, zip, among others)
and in Qt Forum they recommend me to use KArchive.
I started working with Qt only a year ago and I'm still a rookie. I could
not find binaries for this library and the source code uses CMake (I was
expecting a .pro :/) so it's getting really hard for me to get it work.
Asking to the same guy that recommended me the library and following his
indications I could compile KArchive for Linux and I'm testing it but I
can't understand very well the documentation.
1) Using KTar I could create a tar.gz with two txt files with the following
QString input = "/home/ferni/QtBuild/KArchiveTest/testTar.txt";
QString input2 = "/home/ferni/QtBuild/KArchiveTest/testTar2.txt";
QString output = "/home/ferni/QtBuild/KArchiveTest/testTar.tar.gz";
KTar archive(output, "application/x-gzip");
// Prepare the archive for writing.
if (! {
// Failed to open file.
return 1;
// Create or open an archive
archive.addLocalFile(input, input);
archive.addLocalFile(input2, input2);
My question is: how can I decompress the file that I created?
2) Is there a building tutorial to compile KArchive for Android? If not,
can someone guide me to do this or just shared the binaries for Android? I
tried to create a .pro file and include the sources but I got many errors
about missing files :/
Thanks in advance!
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