QFileDialog and KDE file dialogs

Frank Schäfer fschaefer.oss at googlemail.com
Sat Mar 4 11:03:08 UTC 2017


I'm trying to track down a bug which occurs when using 
QFileDialog::getSaveFileName in a Qt5-application.
With option QFileDialog::DontUseNativeDialog a different dialog 
displayed, so a native file dialog seems to be used.
I've checked the source code of QFileDialog::getSaveFileName and it 
calls the file dialog which is hooked into 
For KDE4, this seems to be KDialog::getSaveFileName(), but I wasn't able 
to find out if and where this hook is used in KDE5.
Does KDE5 provide a native file dialog at all ?
If yes, can anybody point me to the right direction ?
Which dialog is used if KDE4 and KDE5 libraries are installed ?


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