KTitleWidget and the native Mac style

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at gmail.com
Tue Jul 4 19:19:41 UTC 2017

On Tuesday July 04 2017 20:16:55 Sebastian Kügler wrote:

>The frame in my understanding is old weight, and can go (do check with the VDG 

I noticed it was already there in KDE4, indeed, though not usually rendered.

>but to me, more importantly, reducing its size will 
>lead to regressions in Plasma. 

Avoiding regressions is evident, but how could changing the size lead to regressions in properly written code (which should be able to handle changes in font weight, style or size)?

>I have no problems with moving its rendering to the style so it can depend on 
>the platform used, or another technically sound solution, but a change should 
>not introduce regressions in Plasma.

Note that I wasn't particularly concerned with the size, but I did think about this. I think widget styles can influence the size of the font used in QLabels but that could be tricky because it affects the widget size. There are typically more QLabels in a view than QFrames which may make runtime detection of KTitleWidget labels (through inheritance) a bit expensive.

Adding a font role (or repurposing the window titlebar font role) would be the most logical approach, but not easily deployed.

Maybe we could simply use QFontDatabase::SystemFont::TitleFont instead of imposing a hardcoded size increment?


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