Phabricator: All repositories registered - upcoming workflow changes
Martin Gräßlin
mgraesslin at
Wed Feb 1 20:01:23 UTC 2017
Am 1. Februar 2017 20:34:52 MEZ schrieb Ben Cooksley <bcooksley at>:
>On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 9:48 PM, Milian Wolff <mail at> wrote:
>> On Tuesday, January 31, 2017 7:56:52 PM CET Ben Cooksley wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 11:36 PM, René J.V. Bertin
><rjvbertin at>
>> wrote:
>>> > On Sunday January 29 2017 08:32:21 Ben Cooksley wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Hi,
>>> Hi Rene,
>>> > >From this point forward, communities should be moving away from
>>> >>
>>> >>Reviewboard to Phabricator for conducting code review. Sysadmin
>>> >>be announcing a timeline for the shutdown of Reviewboard in the
>>> >>future.
>>> >>
>>> > I hope that shutdown doesn't mean complete disconnect; it would
>>> > be a loss of as-yet unknown importance if all code reviews become
>>> > unavailable.
>>> >
>>> > I'll miss ReviewBoard. Phabrithingy may be more powerful and
>>> > but RB had its advantages too which could be why it's still being
>>> > (quite a lot, as far as I can see) and hasn't been integrated with
>>> > own IDE yet.
>>> It will be a complete shutdown of Reviewboard - we'll be archiving
>>> in the event for some reason it becomes necessary to access the data
>>> it stores.
>> This is a *very* bad idea!
>> - Quite some commits will lose some extended history from the review
>> - What about the not-yet-merged changes?
>There will sufficient time between now and when the shutdown is
>actually actioned during which it's expected any remaining reviews can
>either be finished off, or moved to Phabricator (As said in my
>original mail, we'll be publishing a timeline for this - which will
>have stages where no new reviews can be opened, etc)
>> If at all possible, please find a way to keep this site alive in a
>> mode.
>>> In most cases mailing lists should have the history of reviews in
>>> their archives, so those will continue to be accessible through list
>>> archives in the long run.
>> And how do you find the corresponding mail archive thread based on a
>> reviewboard URL? Will there be auto-forwarding in-place?
>There won't be any auto-forwarding - we'll be removing the subdomains
Could you please reconsider? Every fixed KWin bug report has a link to the review request where the patch is discussed.
Losing this would be a huge blow to our source code and bug report history.
Please leave the history of review request around.
Thank you
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