D5175: Fix 'Installed name of kio_http_cache_cleaner conflicts with related KDE4 installation'.

Ralf Habacker noreply at phabricator.kde.org
Wed Dec 20 12:25:24 UTC 2017

habacker added a comment.

  In https://phabricator.kde.org/D5175#181288, @bcooksley wrote:
  > I still question how these installs conflict - as all the scenarios where they could conflict should already be taken into account:
  > 1. Linux distros, FreeBSD, etc have no co-installability issues here
  > 2. Windows installs should be one prefix per application, which means KF5 and KDE 4 installs should never collide
  > 3. macOS is basically the same as Windows, only difference being it's a .app bundle instead
  >   Can you provide some background please Ralf?
  see below
  > Note that the CI already has native Umbrello builds for Windows so cross compilation shouldn't be required.
  Relating to the jenkins based system: How can I check build internals in case of hidden build issues ? From my 16 year porting KDE experience (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE_on_Cygwin) - because of the number of related packages, build systems and possible configuration - this is required often and could not be provided by a build log. You need to inspect for example cmake generated files like include_cxx.rsp which contains the used include directories (a real world example is https://phabricator.kde.org/D9404)
  Therefore I'm using obs build service. After installing osc (https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:OSC) on a linux machine, I run
    osc co  home:rhabacker:branches:windows:mingw:win32:KF541/mingw32-kio
    cd home:rhabacker:branches:windows:mingw:win32:KF541/mingw32-kio
    osc build
  In case of errors I run
  osc chroot
  to enter the chrooted build environment
  to enter package source dir I enter
    cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/kio-5.41.0 
  to enter package source dir I use
    cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/kio-5.41.0/build
  to continue broken build I run
    cd /home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/kio-5.41.0/build
  I can edit files, clean builds, restart build, make patches to fix issues in build system and so one
  Doe KDE CI provide shell access to the complete build infrastructure like installed 3rdparty packages, source and build files ?

  R241 KIO


To: habacker, dfaure, ltoscano, bcooksley
Cc: cgiboudeaux, #frameworks
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