libkcompactdisc test (testkcd) finds no tracks - wrong initialiser sent to the Phonon backend?

René J.V. Bertin rjvbertin at
Fri Aug 18 07:24:56 UTC 2017


I'm not certain where to raise issues with libkcompactdisc, I hope this ML isn't the worst choice.

I can't say I understand very well exactly how this library is suppose to integrate with Solid and the backends. It evidently works with the audiocd kio on Linux, but while trying to get that to work on Mac too (part of some work I'm doing on Solid) I discovered that testkcd doesn't find any (audio) CD tracks on Linux either.

It looks to me like that could well be because it hands off a Solid UDI to Phonon and from there to the VLC Phonon backend. I've lost track of the control flow somewhere in there but I don't think Phonon knows how to handle such UDIs. Annoyingly there appears to be no way to get useful debugging done via the audiocd kio so I cannot corroborate this intuition.



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