Notes from Plasma Components BOF

David Edmundson david at
Tue Aug 1 11:25:28 UTC 2017

Notes from the KDeclarative/PlasmaComponents BoF:

CC'ing frameworks devel even though there's a good chance that it won't
make much sense unless you follow Plasma development.

Since KF5.0 lots has changed. QtQuickControls2 was made, Q_GADGET was made,
Kirigami happened and more.
We've ended up with a lot of duplication (3 items to draw an icon!) and
there's not a clear definition for each.

We went through all imports and made some notes and plans.


  Definition: exposing KDE Widget frameworks paarts to QtQuick. (i.e.
globalshortcuts, colour picker etc) with any UI QQC themed.

  Definition: "fixes" for Qt and things not exposed to QML.

  Medium term TODOs:
    KDeclarative.KQuickControlsAddons.IconDialog and KcmShell should
probably in KQuickControls
    KQuickControls: Needs QQC2 port under new import version (assgigned to
David E)

  Long term: needs a clearer name.


  Definition: Wrapper for existing frameworks exposed in a QML friendly way.

  Long term TODO: Merge into the relevant frameworks for KF6 using
Q_gadget. KWindowSystemPlugin probably doesn't make sense.

  Most this stuff is in Kirigami.
  TODO: deprecate app specific stuff (assigned to Marco)

  *IF* we can get 2 different QQC themes in one app, kill this completely.
  Fallback plan. Keep it.

  Definition: QQC1 wrapper with a plasma theme + API additions.

  Definition: QQC2 wrapper. Currently no API additions.

  We can't port many plasmoids, as we need those additions.
  Decided there's no rush.

     - Put icons in buttons in Qt (possibly done already) - ivan
     - Get textinput clear/showpassword into Qt - d_ed
     - put themed Highlight class into PlasmaExtras - marco

  *IF* we can't get the stuff into Qt, we put things into Kirigrami, and a
depending on the if above, a plasma themed version in PlasmaExtras.

  ColorScope to also enter Kirigrami (Kube uses something similar, so it is
something useful), ideally try to find a solution that makes less QObjects
than the version we have in PlasmaCore.

  Controversial idea. Low level SVG theming is potentially useful for
external use.

Split Plasma theme out of plasma-framework, move that to a tier 2 framework
(with PlasmaComponents). This leave just the shell stuff as a new
framework, and we deprecate Plasma. Depends on some of the changes above.
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