KDE Frameworks & Plasma 5.8 LTS

Dominik Haumann dhaumann at kde.org
Sun Oct 23 10:14:51 UTC 2016


at the Frameworks BoF, the idea was raised to provide updates for the
KDE Frameworks 5.26 release, since this is the one that also is
typically shipped with the KDE Plasma 5.8 LTS version (at least, that
was the argument).

Do we follow up on this?

Do we have any knowledge on whether distributions that ship Plasma 5.8
LTS still provide updates to KDE Frameworks 5.27 etc?

There are two issues in KTextEditor 5.26 release that are not so nice
- that's why I'm asking.

For use, there are two solutions:
1. We just write to kde-distro-packagers to cherry-pick certain git commits
2. We provide KF 5.26.1

Both is fine for me ;)


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