KF5 Tags tag tags, not objects

David Faure faure at kde.org
Wed May 4 07:25:27 UTC 2016

On Wednesday 27 April 2016 09:45:42 Stephen Kelly wrote:
> David Faure wrote:
> > versionfile=$here/versions/$repo
> > if [ ! -f $versionfile ]; then echo "$versionfile not found"; exit 1; fi
> > b=`sed '2q;d' $versionfile`
> > echo $b
> > checkout=$(findCheckout $repo)
> > cd $checkout || exit 2
> > echo $PWD
> > $cmd git fetch --tags || exit 2
> > $cmd git tag -a $tagname $b
> The $b here is the cause. I don't have the versionfile. It seems it gets 
> created by the pack.sh? Does it contain tags? 

Yes and no. It does, but that's not what we extract above. Here is an example version file:

kio v5.21.0-rc2
583e403f6d7813be1cd03f9b14c69bd1a6d8398dfd1e9fd87aa5883d6b949923  sources/kio-5.21.0.tar.xz

This would set b to 6b22ef006efa1f77b4af22de00166d9774548b44 which is a sha1, not a tag.

> That would be the cause of 
> this if it does. The pack.sh seems to call a get_git_rev tool which I don't 
> have.

That's defined in utils.sh in the same dir.

> I tried running 
>  ./pack.sh kitemmodels -f
> but it exits without printing anything.

It requires having run make_rc_tag.sh first, but please don't do that, it will add tags to the repo :-)

In fact, I think you can ignore pack.sh, that's a further step than the one you're interested in.
See PACKAGING_FRAMEWORKS for the procedure.

> I guess we have an explanation though.

Not really :-)

David Faure, faure at kde.org, http://www.davidfaure.fr
Working on KDE Frameworks 5

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