DISCARDED: proposal for devel-versions with KF5 (was: Re: Please add new versions on bugs.kde.org products on KF5 releases)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at kde.org
Mon May 2 08:02:37 UTC 2016

Am Sonntag, 10. April 2016, 09:33:51 CEST schrieb David Faure:
> On Saturday 09 April 2016 19:02:02 Friedrich W. H. Kossebau wrote:
> > IIRC elsewhere I have seen people using a version called "git" in issue
> > trackers, which would be used by developers for random snaphots and have
> > them state the git commit id explicitely in the bug report.
> Alternatively, one can use the version number of the last release, and still
> mention in the bug report the git sha-1 they are using. This seems
> sufficient to me.
> > But that makes it hard
> > to track regressions/new bugs between 2 versions.
> > 
> > So what about some "5.xx.0-pre" version, set once the "5.(xx-1).0" is
> > branched? That would allow to collect regressions/new bugs in the
> > development phase separately, without mixing them into bugs for the last
> > released version.
> Is there an actual need for this ? It seems to me that this is
> over-engineering it "just in case".

Given no-one else (especially any of KF5 module maintainers) expressed an 
opinion indeed for KF5 it might be over-engineered :) so proposal for 
unreleased version numbers/ids with KF5 discarded here.


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