Review Request 127236: Leverage QDir to know what's in a KIconThemeDir

Nick Shaforostoff shafff at
Tue Mar 1 08:16:07 UTC 2016

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Ship it!

great finding, thanks for you work!

- Nick Shaforostoff

On March 1, 2016, 3:25 a.m., Aleix Pol Gonzalez wrote:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> This is an automatically generated e-mail. To reply, visit:
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> (Updated March 1, 2016, 3:25 a.m.)
> Review request for KDE Frameworks and Christoph Feck.
> Repository: kiconthemes
> Description
> -------
> At the moment we're playing Battleship to see if an icon is present in a subdirectory. This means that we are checking on every directory if there's an icon that matches the size with a said name on every request.
> This can be seen easily with strace:
> ```
> $ strace kwrite |& grep ENOENT | wc -l
> 6212
> ```
> After the patch: 
> ```
> $ strace kwrite |& grep ENOENT | wc -l
> 1993
> ```
> We reduce these accesses to let QDir keep the list of files inside the directory (that was already being generated at some point, it just was being discarded).
> Diffs
> -----
>   src/kicontheme.cpp 0996054 
> Diff:
> Testing
> -------
> Builds, tests still pass, applications start noticeably faster.
> Thanks,
> Aleix Pol Gonzalez

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