Low quality input country flags

Viorel-Cătălin Răpițeanu rapiteanu.catalin at gmail.com
Sun Jul 31 14:13:07 UTC 2016

Hi all,

I've got a question related to the flags used to display the input layout
in plasma.
To explain, the flags used for the input sources either don't have the
correct aspect ratio, either they are pixelated. The flags of Romania and
France should have the same aspect ratio (2:3) when they are displayed in
the taskbar. For more information, you can visit:

The flags are installed by* kde-runtime* and can be found in: *#
The reason why they are pixelated is because of their size. To quote from
README file: > You will need a nice flag for your country. The size should
be 21x14 > pixels, and it should be called "flag.png". Potential fixes for
this problem would be: 1. Replacing the png format with the svg one, thing
that would also require some modifications to kcontrol/locale/kcmlocale.cpp
and khelpcenter/htmlsearch/klangcombo.cpp. 2. Improving the existing png
resolution. Any other suggestions to fix this problem?
Will the format replacement (Fix 1) impact other components?

Kind regards,
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