QIcon::fromTheme() does not load scalable icons

Olivier Churlaud olivier at churlaud.com
Tue Jul 12 13:47:16 UTC 2016


For some time I was debugging why TeXstudio didn't have an icon in the 
task manager. After comparing, the only difference with working apps was 
that TeXStudio has only an icon in


but not in


Exporting a png icon and copy pasting it at theses missing places 
corrected the issue.

*Now the question*

Is it a bug from Qt or KDE? Or does the upstream dev or packager 
generate and ship the png files? The latter seems stupid as it makes a 
lot of redundancy.

Can you point me to the right place where to open the bug?

Thank you


Engineer Student at Ecole Centrale de Lyon
in Dual Degree at TU Berlin, M.Sc. Elektrotechnik
@: olivier at churlaud.com
tel: +49 (0)1575-2931348
in:  http://linkedin.com/in/olivierchurlaud
web: http://olivier.churlaud.com

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